Irken Empire Wiki

Invadervax Invadervax 2 February 2015


Hello, friends. A conflict has arrived on the wiki, a conflict which may bring great tension, and so, until that conflict is over, I shall be migrating to DlareDlare Wiki, which will be where you can talk to me. Goodbye for now. Tell me when the conflict is over, and I will return.

During this time, I shall still be making and editing articles here.

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Invadervax Invadervax 6 January 2015

Hello, Froods!

Helo, froods! As you can see, I would like to say hi to you all! I am not feeling very well, but I can still go to school and come on here, of course. And this tiny sickness has inspired me to write a poem which I wish to share with you all.

Howl howl, gargle howl, gargle gargle gargle howl. Howl gargle, gargle howl, howl howl howl gargle. Howl gargle, gargle howl, gargle gargle gargle howl. Howl howl, gargle gargle, howl gargle gargle howl. Howl gargle, gargle gargle, gargle gargle gargle howl. Howl gargle, howl howl, gargle gargle, howl howl. Howl gargle, gargle howl, gargle howl howl gargle. Howl howl, gargle howl, gargle gargle gargle howl. 

Thank you.

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Invadervax Invadervax 7 December 2014

Hi There!

I just noticed how EXCRUTIATINGLY long it's been since I posted a Blog, so I might as well post one right now!

  • After two hours of sitting here and thinking about what to write*

Hello again! I just realized that I have nothing to blog about, and I'm just wasting space! So please, if you could just post some completely random topic for a blog in the comments, that would be nice!

And don't forget to visit the giftshop for all kinds of cheap, useless stuff!


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Invadervax Invadervax 21 September 2013


Now that I know why Jib and Vex hate me, I don't know what to do...

I'm going to leave the wiki...Jib and Vex don't want me here and neither do any of you...If you don't want me to leave, try contacting me on Villains Wiki, Invader ZIM Wiki, or DlareDlare Wiki...Goodbye...

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Invadervax Invadervax 19 September 2013


Everyone...I have somethinng to say...Please listen very carefully...

I'm going to try to get editing more often. I am very likely to, as chances of me being taken from the house and made to do stuff with my family are decreasing, and I'm getting a little bit less busy.

You thought this blog post was about some bad news I have to say, didn't you? Well, you were wrong. It's about good news!


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